About Alan Stevens
This is the increasingly outdated photo I use as a headshot because I'm too lazy to have a professional portrait made.
Speaker Bio
For more detail, see my resume.
Alan Stevens is a father, geek, vegan and software artisan living in Knoxville, TN. Alan regularly speaks at industry conferences and user groups. Alan is an Open Space Technology facilitator. Alan is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in C#. Alan is a member of ASP Insiders. When Alan is not playing with his kids, enjoying a fine cigar, singing or playing his acoustic guitar, he occasionally updates his blog at http://netcave.org.

Open Space Technology
I have received great personal satisfaction from facilitating Open Space Technology meetings. This is a photo of me facilitating the opening circle at Devlink 2008.
Interesting Fact
I have a Masters of Science degree in Curriculum and Instruction. After graduation, I quickly determined that I would not have a long term career in Education. During part of my transition from teacher to software developer, I worked as a mason and built two chimneys on a restored Victorian home. I am very proud of these constructions.
Presentations And Interviews
Oxite Retrospective
Weston M. Binford III recorded the Open Space session that I convened at ALT.NET Seattle 2009 to discuss the community reaction to the release of Oxite. WARNING: This conversation contains strong language (most of it by me).
February 28, 2009
AltNetSeattle: Oxite Retrospective
Alan Stevens leads a round table discussion on the reaction to the Oxite sample application released by Microsoft.
.NET Rocks!
I had the pleasure of being interviewed on .NET Rocks! about my activities in the developer community.
February 13, 2009
Show #420 (63 minutes)
Alan Stevens on Community 2.0 MP3 Download
Carl and Richard talk to Alan Stevens about his involvement with the .NET community, and the wider developer community.
David Giard Interview
I did this interview with David Giard about Open Space Technology at the awesome CodeMash 2009.
February 12, 2009
Alan Stevens Discusses Open Space Technology
I've attended two conferences where Alan Stevens helped to make Open Spaces a success. In this interview, Alan describes open spaces technology and explains his role in the process.
Fox Show
I spoke with Andrew McNeil of the FoxShow over breakfast at the Southwest Fox 2008 Conference for Visual FoxPro developers in Mesa, AZ.
October 23, 2008
FoxShow #58 (Extra)
Discussion with Alan Stevens MP3 Download
I didn't want to do a full show on this little interview but wanted to put it into the stream because I think it's really valuable for developers to hear. It's a discussion Alan Stevens and I had one morning at Southwest Fox 2008. It was held after his talk on Agile and I had some specific questions we wanted to get into. There is some background noise as we were talking outside at the breakfast table. If you've never heard Alan speak, this is a great way of getting a feel for his sessions. Enjoy!
.NET Rocks!
After Devlink 2008 concluded, some of us went out to dinner. Even fewer of us returned to the hotel bar for some conversation and refreshments. The conversation was going well, so Carl Franklin brought out his mic to record a .NET Rocks! show.
August 28, 2008
Show #372 (65 minutes)
Live from DevLink 2008! MP3 Download
Carl and Richard break out the microphone during Karaoke night (don't worry) at the DoubleTree bar in Murphreesboro, TN, to talk to staff and attendees of the devLink Technical Conference (August 22-23).
Speaker Idol
At TechEd Developers 2008, I participated in a competition called Speaker Idol. I had to give a five minute presentation on a topic of my choice. I chose to explain Test-Driven Development (TDD). I also made the decision not to give a demo in such a short time.
I made it to the finals where I came in as the runner-up and won a BlackJack II Windows Mobile phone. You can watch the entire Speaker Idol finals here.
June 25, 2008
Alan Stevens at Speaker Idol Finals at TechEd 2008
Deep Fried Bytes
I got to talk about my favorite social networking tool with some of my tweeps. :-)
June 12, 2008
Episode 3: Twitter War Stories MP3 Download
A group of Twitter power users met up on the last day of the TechEd 2008 Conference. They sat down with Deep Fried Bytes host and Twitter user Keith Elder to discuss their ideas, experiences and observations of the online service. Each person has their own reason for using Twitter but they all share a common theme. They all use Twitter to keep in touch with their friends and stay connected to keep relationships thriving.