Back in '93 I was one of the Sunday school teachers in a class called "Church Across the Street." This was a terrific curriculum for Sixth Graders. We would study a religion or denomination for a week or two, then we would attend a service. It was extremely educational for the students and the teachers. I began attending the Episcopal Church as a direct result of my involvement in this class.
When we studied Islam, we visited the local Mosque. It was Awesome. I didn't like that the girls had to use a separate entrance, and cover their heads. Females also prayed in a separate room. Aside from the gender issues, my experience was totally positive. The reverence for God was palpable. Multiculturalism is not just a PC term in a US mosque. There were men of every color worshiping fervently together. I was floored by the experience.
We had an adolescent boy show us the customs for ritual cleansing and explain their symbolic and practical purposes. This young man had a very strong sense of identity and belonging. His life had value and meaning. I don't have anything against Islam.
What continues to irritate me is i