Wednesday, March 15, 2006


It is clear to me, that Russ Feingold and Jack Murtha are the true leaders of the Democratic Party.  All of the current so-called "leaders" should resign immediately.  I admire both these men for speaking their consciences in Washington where everyone else is busy reading poll results.


[Update] I forgot Harry Reid.  He's got some backbone too.

 Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Is this Islam's fault?

I'm trying to sort this one out.  When the law of the land is inhumane, who's fault is it?  I believe the person that opened the valve on the poison gas at Auschwitz is a culpable as Adolph Hitler for the deaths of innocent people.  If a person igonres the humanity of another, it is that individuals fault, not their religion, or any other excuse they offer.  At least, that's what I think this morning.

 Monday, February 06, 2006

Deal With It


I’m a bit put out today.  I am exposed daily to information that offends me.  It may be news about my government breaking the law to violate my privacy.  It could be the obscene quarterly profits announcement of a Mega-Corp.  These things can annoy and sometimes even anger me. 

I’m not immune to being offended when someone criticizes my religion.  The Episcopal Church has received plenty of misleading, inaccurate and just plain bad press in the last two years.  Why does this matter?  I don’t attack someone’s embassy when they offend me.  I don’t assume that I have the one true perspective and anyone that disagrees with my way of seeing the world should die.

If you are Muslim and offended by these cartoons, I apologize.  I don’t generally seek to insult people.  If you are Muslim, and think I should die for posting them on my personal website, well then you can kiss my White Anglo-Saxon Protestant ass.



[Update]  Follow these links for more info:

Rioting with well-planned spontaneity

We are all Danes now

My favorite so far, with high quality versions of the car